This game was made for day 2 of BlackThornProd's pass-the-game jam. 

Day 1: Pass The Game Challenge Files by lizardman06 -

I modified the custom buoyancy physics and added some (very) basic artwork along with lighting to begin moving away from basic square sprites. I also added some limits to the player's movement.

The player can move left/right with A/D or arrow keys.

The player jumps when SPACE is pressed.

The player sinks when SHIFT is held, which can be used to jump out of the water and onto the platform.

There is no real game or win condition right now, so it is a blank canvas for whoever feels like picking it up. Good luck!

To open files: Download the project files zip. Unzip into a blank folder, then open with the Unity hub. The scene that is used in the preview above can be found in assets.


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Wow this is a great addition! Thanks for your submission!